Specification: #01
Add 3 items and delete 1 item
Specification: #02
Add 2 items, empty, and add 1 item (with mustache)
Specification: #03
Add 3 items with fade (1st one blue) and top set to true
Specification: #04
Add 1 items with an image
Specification: #05
Add 2 items in an array twice
Specification: #06
Add 1 item with attributes
Specification: #07
Embedded template with array of data
Specification: #08
Add 2 items and refresh
Specification: #09
Add 2 items ( and ) loaded from REST call
Specification: #10
Add 1 item 3 times and apply callback function
Specification: #11
Add 2 items with missing fields
Specification: #12
Array field (sub-template)
Specification: #13
Specification: #14
Simple array with rearrange and delete
Specification: #15
Specification: #16
Input tag properties (minimized attributes)
Specification: #17
Reusable component
Specification: #18
Smooth container and pulse button
Specification: #19
Panels - nav buttons
Specification: #20
Panels - nested
Specification: #21
Panels - drop-down
Specification: #22
Specification: #23